OFIC Hosts First Ever Virtual CareerFest

Over 380 students and 90+ employers from Ohio and beyond gathered virtually via Handshake to network and discuss career opportunities.   


2020’s COVID-19 shutdown prompted Ohio’s premier career connections festival, OFIC’s CareerFest, to go digital. Leveraging OFIC member campus, Capital University’s, Handshake platform, CareerFest virtually fostered introductions between government agencies and many well-known corporations from Ohio and students from OFIC’s member independent colleges and universities.

Through Handshake, CareerFest employers hosted 150 group sessions with over 350 students participating and over 700 student 1:1 sessions to discuss internship and full-time employment opportunities. Student attendees were given the opportunity and encouraged to research employers in their chosen field prior to the event. Likewise, through the virtual Handshake hosted event, employers were able to view resumes and student-submitted registration information such as class year, academic major, and career interests

Since 2001, CareerFest has been a top networking event for students of OFIC’s 33-member campuses to join companies and government agencies in need of specialized talent. The typically in-person event has been hosted in Columbus and Cleveland with both generalized and focused employer needs such as financial services.

OFIC CareerFest 2021.png

“Although different, this year’s event was very well received,” stated Judy Moehl, OFIC event coordinator and CareerFest lead. “A post-event survey revealed over 90% positive feedback from employers who were excited to get the opportunity to network in the midst of a global pandemic,” continued Moehl. A broadened range of employers joined this year’s event with special concentration on accounting, finance, business administration, communication, healthcare, and education.

“CareerFest was very organized and provided me the opportunity to meet with some wonderful students!”
— CareerFest 2021 Employer

What does the future hold for CareerFest? “The connections formed at this year’s virtual CareerFest were wildly impactful,” remarked OFIC President, Bill Spiker. “We’re honored to be a part of helping to strengthen Ohio’s talent pool in new and innovative ways. Virtual events have lower costs, easy to track metrics, and the opportunity to reach more people – more are definitely in the works for OFIC,” said Spiker.

Stay tuned for CareerFest 2022 dates and information, visit ofic.org/careerfest.


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