Sarah Hance Sarah Hance

Investing in a Positive Internship Experience with Total Internship Management

Internships have become a crucial stepping stone for students entering the workforce. However, the success of an internship program relies heavily on how well it is managed. Total Internship Management offers a comprehensive approach to ensuring a positive internship experience for both interns and employers. Let's delve into how Total Internship Management addresses key aspects of a successful internship program:

Clear Expectations

One of the foundational elements of Total Internship Management is setting clear expectations. This involves outlining the objectives, roles, responsibilities, and learning outcomes for interns right from the beginning. By aligning intern expectations with the actual experience, Total Internship Management sets the stage for a productive and meaningful internship.

Meaningful Work

Interns thrive when they are given meaningful work that challenges them and allows them to apply their skills and knowledge. Total Internship Management emphasizes the importance of providing interns with projects and tasks that contribute to the organization's goals while also offering valuable learning opportunities.

Mentorship and Professional Development

Total Internship Management recognizes the significance of mentorship and professional development in shaping a positive internship experience. Assigning mentors or supervisors to interns ensures they receive guidance, support, and constructive feedback throughout their internship journey. Additionally, offering professional development opportunities such as training sessions, workshops, and networking events enhances interns' skills and industry knowledge.

Regular Feedback

Feedback is essential for intern growth and development. Total Internship Management advocates for regular feedback sessions and performance evaluations to help interns track their progress, identify areas for improvement, and make necessary adjustments. This feedback loop fosters a culture of continuous learning and improvement within the internship program.

Engaging Work Environment

Creating an engaging work environment is key to keeping interns motivated, engaged, and satisfied with their internship experience. Total Internship Management emphasizes fostering a positive and inclusive work culture that values diversity, collaboration, innovation, and open communication.

Networking Opportunities

Networking plays a crucial role in internships as it helps interns build valuable connections within the organization and industry. Total Internship Management facilitates networking opportunities by connecting interns with professionals, mentors, and peers, allowing them to expand their network and gain insights into various career paths.

In conclusion, Total Internship Management offers a holistic approach to investing in a positive internship experience. By focusing on clear expectations, meaningful work, mentorship, professional development, regular feedback, an engaging work environment, and networking opportunities, organizations can ensure that their internship programs not only attract top talent but also provide interns with a valuable learning and growth experience.

Maximize Your Internship Program

Are you ready to transform your internship program with Total Internship Management training?

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Sarah Hance Sarah Hance

The Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges and Intern Bridge Launch Total Internship Management

Revolutionizing Internship Management, Empowering Employers, and Enhancing Student Career Readiness with a Fresh Perspective on Internship Management

Columbus, OH – June 27, 2024 – The Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges (OFIC), in collaboration with Intern Bridge, is thrilled to announce the launch of the Total Internship Management training. In a landscape where effective talent development and internship programs are paramount to organizational success and student career-readiness growth, Total Internship Management is an innovative employer centric training designed for organizations looking to reinvigorate their existing internship programs or start new ones from scratch.

"We are thrilled to bring the Total Internship Management Training to organizations seeking to elevate their internship programs. This partnership with Intern Bridge allows us to provide a fresh perspective and valuable resources to employers, paving the way for an impactful student intern experience," said Melanie Garrabrant, Manager of Business Partnerships at OFIC.

The Total Internship Management training offers a comprehensive approach to internship management, providing employers with the tools and knowledge necessary to create valuable and impactful internship experiences. It covers everything from company-wide HR-level internship structures to the day-to-day interactions between individual internship supervisors and their interns. The training includes a six-part online/on-demand video series, downloadable resources and templates, and expert guidance from Intern Bridge CEO, Robert Shindell, Ph.D., SHRM-CP, SCP Recertification Provider and President and CEO of Intern Bridge.

The Total Internship Management Training is designed to address the unique challenges faced by employers to develop and retain tomorrow’s talent.
— Robert Shindell, Ph.D., President and CEO of Intern Bridge

"With nearly 30 years of research juxtaposed against today’s practical experience, this training encapsulates the four essential elements of internship management: cultural transmission, meaningful work, professional development, and effective mentoring. Additionally, we have included a bonus video featuring an important legal update for those who employ interns,” continued Shindell. “By bridging the gap between theory and practice, we aim to enhance the effectiveness of internship programs, ensuring that interns and employers alike benefit from these invaluable learning opportunities."

Total Internship Management Training Highlights:

  • Employer-Centric Mental Mindset Shift: Tailored specifically for employers, the training addresses unique challenges and goals in internship management. It encourages supervisors to adopt a proactive and supportive approach, prioritizing the well-being and development of interns.

  • Meaningful Experiences: Emphasizes the creation of valuable and impactful internship experiences that contribute to the success of both interns and organizations.

  • Expert Guidance: Provides access to industry-leading expertise and best practices, including insights from Robert Shindell, a nationally recognized experiential learning thought leader, award-winning training and development professional, and leadership development champion.

  • Unlimited Users: The training offers company-wide access, allowing any employee managing an intern to benefit from the resources.

  • 1-Year Site License: Organizations receive a one-year site license to access all training materials, ensuring long-term value and flexibility.

  • Professional Development: Participants who complete the training will receive a Credly digital badge, showcasing their commitment to professional growth and excellence in internship supervision.

Pricing and Special Offers:

  • Total Pricing: The Total Internship Management Training is available at a special OFIC price of $399.

Bill Spiker, President of OFIC added, "The launch of this training underscores our commitment to creating meaningful internship experiences and supporting professional development. We believe this training will have a profound impact on the way internships are managed, benefiting both interns and employers."

For more information about the Total Internship Management Training and to enroll, visit

About the Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges:

The Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges provides student scholarship funding while building career connections between campuses and corporate Ohio. For nearly 75 years, the Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges (OFIC) has facilitated win-win-win scenarios between Ohio’s independent college and university campuses, Ohio students, and Ohio companies. Today, OFIC is comprised of 32 member campuses across the state, representing just under 75,000 students. OFIC connects students with Ohio’s top corporations and foundations to make the dream of completing their bachelor’s degree a reality through scholarships, internships, and career opportunities. Learn more at


About Intern Bridge:

Intern Bridge is a leading provider of internship program management solutions, offering expert guidance and resources to help organizations create impactful internship experiences. Led by Robert Shindell, Intern Bridge is committed to promoting excellence in internship management. Learn more at

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Sarah Hance Sarah Hance

Internship Management Best Practices: Navigating Pitfalls and Key Considerations

Internship programs are a vital component of talent development in many industries, yet they often face significant challenges that hinder their effectiveness. Recent studies have shown that up to 50% of interns leave their placements before completion, highlighting a troubling trend of high turnover rates in internship programs. Additionally, surveys reveal that over 60% of interns report feeling disengaged during their internships, pointing to a pressing issue of lack of engagement. Furthermore, a significant percentage of interns express dissatisfaction with the learning opportunities provided, indicating a need for improvement in this aspect. These challenges, coupled with issues related to poor supervision and mismatched expectations, underscore the need for a comprehensive approach to internship management.

High Turnover Rate: Internship programs often face challenges with high turnover rates among interns, leading to disruptions in workflow and decreased productivity. According to recent industry reports, the average turnover rate for interns in some sectors exceeds 40%, highlighting the urgent need for effective retention strategies and engagement initiatives within internship programs.

Lack of Engagement: Some internship programs struggle with engaging interns effectively, resulting in disinterest, low motivation, and reduced commitment to the organization's goals. Surveys indicate that only 30% of interns feel actively engaged during their internships, emphasizing the importance of implementing strategies to enhance engagement and foster a sense of purpose among interns.

Limited Learning Opportunities: Inadequate learning opportunities can hinder interns' professional growth and development, leaving them feeling unfulfilled and undervalued. Studies show that over 50% of interns believe they did not gain sufficient skills or knowledge during their internships, highlighting the critical need for internship programs to prioritize hands-on learning experiences and structured training initiatives.

Poor Supervision: Insufficient supervision and mentorship can lead to confusion, frustration, and a lack of direction for interns, impacting their overall experience and performance. Feedback from interns indicates that nearly 40% feel they did not receive adequate support and guidance from their supervisors, underscoring the importance of effective mentorship programs and regular feedback mechanisms.

Mismatched Expectations: Misaligned expectations between interns and employers regarding roles, responsibilities, and learning outcomes can lead to misunderstandings and dissatisfaction on both sides. Surveys reveal that over 60% of interns experience some level of mismatched expectations during their internships, emphasizing the need for clear communication, goal setting, and mutual understanding between interns and employers.

By addressing these pain points, Total Internship Management aims to transform internship programs into valuable learning experiences that benefit both interns and employers. With a focus on retention strategies, engagement initiatives, enhanced learning opportunities, effective supervision, and clear communication, Total Internship Management offers a comprehensive solution to optimize the impact of internship programs. Take the first step towards improving your internship program today and learn more about Total Internship Management:

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Sarah Hance Sarah Hance

Navigating the Future of Liberal Arts Education: A Focus on Career Readiness

As costs rise and technological advances advance, Denison University President, Adam Weinberg, discusses the pressing need for liberal arts colleges to adapt their career readiness approaches in a recent Higher Ed Dive article. Weinberg emphasizes that while the inherent value of a liberal arts education remains, independent colleges and universities must also equip students with practical skills and career-launching support. Denison University’s successful integration of career services into various aspects of student life serves as a model for other colleges, highlighting the importance of significant investments in career services, skill-building programs like Denison Edge, and leveraging alumni and corporate networks.

OFIC's Talent for Ohio program follows a similar trajectory. Led by OFIC's Manager of Business Partnerships, Melanie Garrabrant, Talent for Ohio forges strategic partnerships with our 32 member campus career centers and corporate Ohio to address critical workforce needs while enhancing student achievement. By connecting students from our member campuses with career development experiences, internships, microinternships, and full-time employment opportunities at leading businesses in Ohio, Talent for Ohio recognizes and harnesses the tremendous potential of graduates to benefit students, businesses, and the state.

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Sarah Hance Sarah Hance

OFIC’s Mission to Strengthen Ohio’s Future

Supporting Students, Supporting Ohio

The Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges (OFIC) was recently highlighted in Fortune, Forbes, and Entrepreneur Magazine as a Columbus Business Leader, shedding light on its pivotal role in fostering educational and career opportunities in Ohio. With programs like Talent for Ohio and Corporate Connections, OFIC is dedicated to creating pathways for students and strengthening the state’s workforce.

A Legacy of Support

For nearly 75 years, OFIC has been a cornerstone in Ohio’s educational landscape. Comprising 32 member campuses and nearly 75,000 students, OFIC's mission has always been clear: to financially support students at independent Ohio institutions in their pursuit of bachelor’s degrees. As President Bill Spiker highlights, those with a college degree earn a lifetime income of $1 million more than their non-degree counterparts. This financial support is crucial in helping students achieve this significant milestone.

Expanding the Mission: Next-Level Fundraising and Talent for Ohio

OFIC’s strategic plan aims to elevate its impact through “Next-Level Fundraising,” which seeks to increase financial support for students. The Talent for Ohio initiative is another cornerstone of this plan, focusing on bridging the gap between educational institutions and the corporate world. By partnering with campus career centers, OFIC helps students enhance their career readiness and explore diverse career options within Ohio and beyond.

“We want students to be aware of industry verticals,” says Spiker. “A student might not initially consider a career in manufacturing, but they could find opportunities in finance, marketing, or HR within a manufacturing company.” This holistic approach to career exploration ensures that students don’t limit their potential based on industry labels.

Career Readiness and Corporate Connections

Through OFIC, students have access to an online career-readiness experience, featuring eight core competencies identified by the National Association of Colleges and Employers. These include professionalism, critical thinking, and communication. Completing this program earns students a career readiness Credly badge, which can be showcased on resumes and LinkedIn profiles, giving them a competitive edge in the job market.

On the corporate side, OFIC collaborates with Ohio businesses to expand their talent pools and create meaningful career connections for students. This includes partnerships with renowned organizations like the Nationwide Foundation, Sherwin-Williams Foundation, and Fifth Third Bank’s Foundation Office. These long-standing relationships, some dating back to OFIC’s founding in 1950, exemplify the mutual benefits of such collaborations.

“We serve as an extension of our partner organizations’ talent pipelines,” Spiker explains. “This is particularly beneficial for small and mid-sized companies that may lack robust internal programs for transitioning students from internships to full-time roles.” OFIC’s internship management training modules facilitate these connections, ensuring that both students and employers benefit.

Building Ohio’s Future

OFIC’s efforts are not just about supporting students; they are about fueling Ohio’s economic growth. By aligning educational outcomes with the needs of the state’s industries, OFIC helps ensure that Ohio remains competitive and prosperous. As Spiker proudly states, “It’s very satisfying to be part of an economic growth engine for the state of Ohio. I’m very proud of the OFIC staff and couldn’t be happier about the direction we’re headed with our Trustees and campuses in partnership for Ohio.”

Ready to champion student success, enhance career readiness, and strengthen Ohio’s talent pool? Contact OFIC at to learn more about their impactful programs and initiatives.

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Sarah Hance Sarah Hance

OFIC Receives $25,000 Grant from Honda to Launch Inaugural Manufacturing Expo+

Contribution Will Help Empower College Students and Strengthen Access to Ohio's Manufacturing Talent Pipeline

Columbus, Ohio, Tuesday, May 21, 2024 — The Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges (OFIC) is proud to have received a $25,000 grant from Honda to launch its inaugural Manufacturing Expo+. This generous contribution marks a significant milestone in OFIC's mission to empower students and bolster Ohio's talent pipeline in the manufacturing industry.

"The support from Honda is truly invaluable in our efforts to provide OFIC students with opportunities to enter and excel in the manufacturing industry," said Bill Spiker, President at OFIC. "This grant will enable us to host an innovative Manufacturing Expo+, a hybrid experience merging programming, ongoing education, networking, and more. This unique format will not only showcase the talent of our students but also create opportunities for connections with manufacturing industry professionals across the state."

Ohio stands as a pivotal state in the manufacturing realm, boasting a workforce of over 600,000 residents and claiming the title of the third-largest manufacturing workforce in the nation. The Manufacturing Expo+ celebrates the ingenuity and potential of college graduates who are not only finding opportunities in manufacturing or engineering but also thriving in sales, finance, marketing, and HR roles within manufacturing companies, showcasing the diverse career paths available in the industry.

"Honda is proud to support OFIC in its efforts to provide further access to talent and drive excellence within the manufacturing sector," said Yvette Hunsicker, Vice President of Corporate Social Responsibility and Inclusion and Diversity at Honda.

We believe that investing in the next generation of industry leaders is essential for advancing progress and sustainability across Ohio’s manufacturing landscape.
— Yvette Hunsicker, Vice President of Corporate Social Responsibility and Inclusion and Diversity at Honda.

OFIC extends heartfelt gratitude to Honda for its generous contribution, which serves as the cornerstone of the inaugural Manufacturing Expo+. Together, we embark on a journey to empower students by showcasing an industry’s wide range of career opportunities and strengthening Ohio's talent pipeline.

What is an Expo+?

Including a hybrid series of programming and events spanning 2024, The Manufacturing Expo+ will integrate virtual and in-person experiences, ensuring accessibility and engagement for all participants. Stay current on dates and planning details by visiting:

About The Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges (OFIC)

OFIC was founded in 1950 to conduct annual solicitations of companies and foundations to benefit private independent colleges and universities in Ohio. OFIC has 32 member institutions which enrolls 77,000 students. Solicitation is conducted annually with the help of corporate trustees through the state calling on companies and foundations headquartered or doing business in Ohio. OFIC raises both unrestricted and restricted gifts including scholarships, program support, and endowments. Unrestricted gifts are largely used by campuses for student financial aid.

In addition to our decades-long focus on scholarship fundraising, OFIC is launching a new strategic initiative, “Talent for Ohio” to help OFIC students become more career-ready and to share with business partners how OFIC campuses contribute to their talent pipelines and how they may grow in their awareness of and work with OFIC students. Learn more at

About Honda Corporate Social Responsibility and the Honda USA Foundation

For more than 60 years in the U.S., Honda has been committed to making positive contributions to the communities where its associates live and work. Honda’s mission is to create products and services that help people fulfill their life’s potential, while conducting business in a sustainable manner and fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace. Advancing its corporate social responsibility, Honda and the Honda USA Foundation support this direction through giving focused on education, the environment, mobility, traffic safety and community. Learn more at

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Sarah Hance Sarah Hance

2024 Spring Trustee Meeting and Awards Luncheon Recap

Empowering Education and Celebrating Excellence

Barb Britenriker

This year's Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges (OFIC) Spring Trustee Meeting and Awards Luncheon marked significant milestones and recognized exemplary contributions in service and philanthropy. Barb Britenriker, OFIC Board Chair, opened the meeting by taking inspiration from Margaret Thatcher's famous quote, "Plan your work for today and every day, then work your plan." Barb continued by stating that OFIC is actively implementing this philosophy, driving forward with our three-year strategic plan initiatives and exciting trustee updates.

A New Board of Trustees Structure

Bill Spiker

Following months of planning, surveying and collaboration, the Board approved a significant structural update aimed at enhancing governance efficiency and engagement which was undertaken with the guidance of OFIC President Bill Spiker. “The new OFIC Board of Trustees structure reflects our commitment to maximizing effectiveness in supporting member institutions and students in 2024 and beyond,” said Spiker. He noted that OFIC will continue to benefit from a large Board of Trustees of 70 comprised of a mix of state-wide campus presidents and members primarily representing corporate Ohio.

Two of the notable changes to highlight:

  • The creation of a new Governing Committee comprised of 16 representative Trustees evenly divided between campus presidents and corporate Trustees. This group will make meeting-to-meeting governing decisions on behalf of the larger Board.

  • Another significant change is the creation of a Strategy Committee which will take up actions which align with OFIC’s strategic themes. “It’s this new Strategy Committee that will help fulfill the goal of Trustee engagement in the furtherance of our strategic goals,” said Spiker.

Words of Support

Eddie Taylor, Jr., President and CEO of Taylor Oswald in Cleveland and an OFIC Truste serving on the Executive Committee, praised the staff's work and thanked the many Trustees who engaged in statewide discussions, both in person and through Zoom. He highlighted how these efforts, including written materials, enabled nearly all Trustees to participate in the discussions, endorsing the proposal and changes to OFIC’s governing documents.

Sue Hasseler, President of Muskingum University and Collegiate Vice Chair of the Board and a member of the Executive Committee, offered words of endorsement prior to the vote to accept the proposed changes to structure as well as changes to OFIC’s governing documents. She strongly endorsed the changes citing they were thoughtful and important updates fit for 2024 and beyond.

Following a discussion by the members participating in the meeting, a unanimous vote to accept the proposed changes to both Board structure and OFIC governing documents was made. The changes will be put into motion in the coming months and fully implemented at the start of the new fiscal year on July 1, 2024.

Three-Year Strategic Plan Update

Updates on OFIC's three-year strategic plan were also shared, highlighting three themes:

  • Next Level Fundraising – includes new gift packaging opportunities that align with student needs and donor priorities

  • Evidence in Action – demonstrated the success of a new scholarship application process, not only in terms of application numbers but also the number of "Thank You" letters submitted by OFIC student scholars and delivered to their OFIC scholarship supporters. This and other initiatives will allow student scholarship selections to align more closely with donor selection criteria and with the donors themselves. 

  • Talent for Ohio - efforts to enhance student career readiness while on campus and also address workforce needs through collaborations with Ohio businesses, advanced AI tools, and innovative internship strategies.

This strategic plan underscores OFIC's commitment to leveraging data and technology to drive organizational effectiveness, ensuring alignment of initiatives for greater success. At the foundation of OFIC’s 3-year strategic plan is a new Salesforce database which is customized to our needs of relationship building, fundraising, scholarship administration, Talent for Ohio efforts, and marketing and communication efforts. The success of each strategic theme will be tracked and measured via robust Salesforce tools.

Spring Awards Luncheon

The Earl F. Morris Trustee Award was presented to Attorney John "Jack" Newman, an Ursuline College trustee, by Sister Christine De Vinne, Ursuline College President. The award’s namesake, Mr. Earl F. Morris, was a faithful and dedicated OFIC Trustee, volunteer, supporter, and an early inductee himself in the OFIC Hall of Excellence. Established in 2010, the award recognizes long and extraordinary trustee service to an OFIC member campus.

Newman's extensive tenure of 29 years as an Ursuline College trustee and 14 years as its chair exemplifies his unwavering commitment and leadership. His strategic vision and forward-thinking approach were evident in his remarks during the acceptance speech, where he expressed deep gratitude, saying, "I am deeply honored to receive this award and to have had the opportunity to contribute to Ursuline College's growth and success over the years." Newman's role in transformative initiatives, such as the introduction of new academic programs and significant campus renovations, has been instrumental in shaping Ursuline College's trajectory and enhancing the student experience.

John “Jack” Newman, 2024 Earl F. Morris Trustee Award Honoree

Jack was born in Youngstown and attended Ursuline High School, experiencing the principles of Ursuline education early on. He earned his B.A. from Georgetown University in 1966, where he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa, and later received his J.D. from Harvard University in 1969, serving on the Law Review and Legal Aid Society. Following this, he clerked for US District Court Judge Irving Hill in Los Angeles and later became an Assistant US Attorney in the Criminal Division until 1975.

Married in 1969 to Charlotte, they raised four children in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, appreciating its family-friendly atmosphere. They now have five grandchildren living in various cities. Jack joined the Jones Day Law Firm, specializing in securities litigation, before retiring as a partner in 2018. Since then, he has been dedicated to supporting Ursuline College's mission in Pepper Pike, a suburb of Cleveland.

Without fanfare, without headlines, he has dedicated thirty years of his life and career to making a difference for our students. He has gone above and beyond in his service, and all of us at Ursuline College are the richer for it.”
— Sister Christine DeVinne, President, Ursuline College.

Apart from his professional contributions, Newman is known for his passion for baseball. As a dedicated participant in a northeastern Ohio league, Newman's favorite position as a catcher is perhaps a metaphor for his professional, volunteer, and recreational life. He believes that the teamwork, strategy, and resilience learned on the baseball field translate seamlessly into his roles at Ursuline College and within the OFIC community. Newman's dedication to excellence and his love for the game reflect his approach to leadership and community engagement, making him a beloved figure both on and off the field.

Adding to the significance of this recognition is Jack's personal connection as a friend and professional colleague of the award's namesake, Earl F. Morris. Jack's leadership has played a pivotal role in guiding Ursuline College through transformative initiatives.

Sr. Christine De Vinne

“Jack's contributions go far beyond the financial, though. His commitment of time and effort across the years is marked by profound intellect and unquestioned integrity. In an era when Ursuline College faces the same headwinds that beset almost every small, liberal arts college, in the midst of a declining college-age population in the Midwest, and at a moment when Ursuline needs to introduce its first lay president in 150+ years, Jack has been the steady, confident, committed leader that we need. Without fanfare, without headlines, he has dedicated thirty years of his life and career to making a difference for our students. He has gone above and beyond in his service, and all of us at Ursuline College are the richer for it,” shared Sister Christine DeVinne, President, Ursuline College.

Bill Spiker, Alivia Rovder, Sr. Christine De Vinne

Next, Alivia Rovder, a student from Ursuline College, was honored as the recipient of the OFIC Staff Scholarship. In recognition of Mr. Newman’s selection as an Ursuline nominee, OFIC selected a deserving Ursuline student for the scholarship. Alivia’s heartfelt remarks underscored the profound impact of an OFIC scholarship. Her words of thanks instantly turned to words of inspiration and emotion as she shared her authentic, meaningful message, leaving most in the audience moved with a mix of pride and tear-filled eyes.

Jim Carulas

In his closing remarks, Jim Carulas, CEO of Meaden & Moore with headquarters in Cleveland, and the Corporate Vice-Chair of OFIC Board of Trustees, spoke about OFIC's mission as a partnership organization between Ohio's independent campuses and generous supporters. He highlighted the structural changes for the OFIC Board which were approved earlier and how they were aimed at enhancing the effectiveness of this partnership for the benefit of students. Looking ahead, Jim mentioned that the traditional annual fundraising campaign at OFIC will undergo a revitalization, focusing on increasing support for Ohio’s independent students and campuses. Additionally, OFIC plans to launch an awareness campaign, showcasing Ohio’s independent graduates as they seek internships and job opportunities within the state, thereby contributing to making Ohio an attractive place to live and work

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Katie Foster Katie Foster

Building a Stronger Ohio

OFIC & The Nord Family Foundation Featured in Ohio Business Magazine’s Ohio’s Guide to Colleges and Universities 2023 

Read Full Article

In Ohio, only 38% of the workforce possesses a two or four-year degree or a certified marketable skill, falling short of the projected 65% demand. OFIC is committed to ensuring that every student enrolled in one of its 33 member campuses has the opportunity to complete their college education. Collaborating with corporations and foundations, OFIC works to make this vision a reality by promoting affordable education made possible through scholarships and funding, dedicated to fostering a comprehensive independent collegiate experience.

OFIC's statistics reveal that 52% of students at member campuses graduate with a bachelor’s degree in four years, surpassing the 36% rate at public institutions. Moreover, OFIC campuses graduate 38% of students of color, compared to 29% at public colleges. The mission of OFIC is to advance equity, expand access to opportunities, and foster thriving and inclusive communities, a mission supported by numerous donors, including The Nord Family Foundation.

Since 1988, The Nord Family Foundation has contributed over $145 million to various charitable endeavors, with a focus on giving back to the local community, particularly Lorain students. The foundation emphasizes the personal touch in their work, hosting annual dinners to meet recipients and witness the impact of their contributions firsthand.

In addition to scholarships, OFIC plays a vital role in establishing internship programs, exemplified by The Nord Family Foundation's pilot initiative in Lorain County. This initiative aims to cultivate a talent pipeline by providing students with invaluable work experience while supporting nonprofit organizations. Collaborations like OFIC and The Nord Family Foundation contribute to addressing Ohio’s workforce needs, fortifying a more robust and skilled talent pipeline in the process.

For more information about The Nord Family Foundation and OFIC, read the full article here.

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Sarah Hance Sarah Hance

Introducing TalentedU: Empowering Students for Career Success

In today's rapidly changing and fiercely competitive job market, the focus on nurturing talent for Ohio's workforce and its future prosperity has never been more crucial. The Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges (OFIC) today announces a significant step in supporting this direction by introducing an exciting new program, TalentedU, designed to provide member campuses with valuable resources to enhance the career readiness of their students. 

What is TalentedU?

TalentedU is a student career-readiness experience that aims to equip member campus students with the skills and competencies they need to boost their career readiness and become even more competitive in seeking internships and full-time jobs. The program consists of eight online modules that students can complete at their own pace or together with a faculty or staff member. These modules are carefully crafted to align with the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) competencies, making them highly relevant and practical for students.

The eight career-readiness modules covered by TalentedU are as follows: 

  • Career & Self-Development 

  • Communication 

  • Critical Thinking 

  • Equity & Inclusion 

  • Leadership 

  • Professionalism 

  • Teamwork 

  • Technology 

OFIC partnered with Intern Bridge, a national leader in experiential education research & consulting to carefully develop the student experience with the 8 NACE Career Readiness pillars as a model. Each module offers a unique learning experience, combining videos and typed responses to ensure that students gain a comprehensive understanding of these essential competencies. 

How to Receive an OFIC Career Readiness Badge Through Credly

By completing all eight modules, students will earn a digital career readiness badge through Credly, the largest and most-connected digital credential network which is widely recognized in the eyes of employers. The digital career readiness badge through Credly adds a practical dimension to the program. It serves as a tangible recognition of a student's dedication and achievement in acquiring these crucial skills. This badge can be proudly displayed on resumes and LinkedIn profiles, catching the eye of potential employers and setting candidates apart from the competition. 

“One of the standout features of the TalentedU program is its flexibility,” stated Dr. Robert Shindell, Intern Bridge Founder and CEO. “The online, self-paced format allows students to engage with the material at their own convenience, making it accessible to a wide range of individuals with different schedules and commitments. It's a perfect fit for both traditional and non-traditional students.”

The significance of these competencies cannot be overstated in today's job market. Employers are not only seeking candidates with academic knowledge but also those who possess the skills required to thrive in a professional setting. TalentedU acknowledges this need and will set OFIC students apart from others seeking internships and full-time jobs upon graduation.

“For our 33 member campuses and their students, the TalentedU program is a game-changer,” said Bill Spiker, OFIC President. “It provides an invaluable resource to help students become job-ready individuals with a competitive edge over other college students. The partnership between OFIC and member-campus Career Centers highlights a commitment to preparing students for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in their careers and lives.”

“TalentedU is a transformative program that empowers students to become confident and capable professionals,” said Melanie Garrabrant, OFIC’s Manager of Business Partnerships. “By aligning with NACE competencies and offering a digital badge through Credly, this program is a testament to OFIC's dedication to enhancing the educational experience and preparing students for a successful future. The launch of TalentedU is a momentous step in helping OFIC students successfully cross the bridge from campus to career,” added Garrabrant. 

“Talent for Ohio” is a theme of the OFIC Strategic Plan and the launch of TalentedU is an objective as we look to both fulfill that plan and connect students with Ohio employers. The power of partnership and innovation in Ohio’s independent higher education sector will strengthen and support Ohio’s economy. 

 Learn more at or contact  

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Sarah Hance Sarah Hance

OFIC Welcomes Melanie Garrabrant as Manager of Business Partnerships

Garrabrant joins the team to foster connection and collaboration among students, campus career center staff, and corporations to ensure a strong talent pipeline in Ohio.

Melanie Garrabrant, Manager of Business Partnerships

The Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges (OFIC) announces the appointment of Melanie Garrabrant as Manager of Business Partnerships, a new role for OFIC under the strategic theme of Talent for Ohio.

Garrabrant will work closely with OFIC President Bill Spiker and members of the OFIC team to cultivate engagement and relationships with students, OFIC campus career center staff, and business and industry partners. Engaging resources and interactive career events will encourage connectivity and partnerships to foster growth of the next generation of talent for Ohio’s growing economy.

Talent for Ohio

With a strategic focus on forging partnerships between member campuses and corporate Ohio, The Ohio Foundation of Independent College’s (OFIC) Talent for Ohio initiative is set to boost the trajectory of student success while addressing critical workforce needs. Rooted in a deep understanding of the potential that graduates bring to the table, Talent for Ohio emerges as a compelling pillar of OFIC's ambitious three-year strategic plan.

Bill Spiker, President

At the heart of this initiative lies a profound recognition of the power of partnerships. Bill Spiker, President of OFIC, emphasized that while OFIC has been focused on its fundraising efforts over its 73-year history, the organization is now set to expand its mission by partnering with member campuses to forge lasting career and philanthropic connections with the corporate landscape of Ohio.

“The initiative is grounded in the belief that graduates from member campuses represent a wealth of potential, which can be harnessed to benefit students, businesses, and the state,” Spiker said.

The updated vision and mission statements of OFIC reflect this intentional expansion with the Talent for Ohio initiative serving as a new opportunity for corporate Ohio and OFIC students. Spiker noted, “While our traditional focus on scholarship fundraising remains unwavering, the strategic plan introduces pathways to internships, part-time jobs and full-time career opportunities to support OFIC students and Ohio's economy.”

Introducing Our New Manager of Business Partnerships, Melanie Garrabrant

In the newly created position, Melanie Garrabrant will be responsible for orchestrating these connections, helping to align students with corporations seeking talented individuals. This role will create a powerful synergy that not only addresses immediate workforce needs but also lays the foundation for a sustainable and thriving economy in Ohio.

With Ohio's unemployment rate at an all-time low, Spiker noted that the demand for bachelor-degreed talent has never been greater. “This presents a unique opportunity for OFIC and its member campuses to provide students with targeted career-readiness modules, named TalentedU; giving them a competitive edge in a highly dynamic job market,” he said. “Melanie’s contributions will help shape the future of our students and ultimately strengthen Ohio's workforce. Her depth of student engagement experience will make a real difference in the lives of these young professionals, guiding them towards a prosperous and fulfilling future.”

About Melanie

Welcome, Melanie!

With over a decade of leadership experience in higher education in the areas of enrollment and academics, Melanie Garrabrant brings a wide breadth of experience connecting college students to careers. In her most recent role as a Dean of Arts and Sciences at Central Ohio Technical College (COTC), Garrabrant collaborated with business and industry professionals and faculty to assess and align academic curriculum to ensure students were acquiring the knowledge and skills needed for their career pursuits. Additionally, as a former Director of Admissions, Garrabrant developed and implemented events to promote academic majors and inform students about career opportunities, often including business and industry professionals in those events to directly connect students and employers.

Garrabrant also has years of experience as an adjunct instructor. She holds a Master of Arts in Rhetoric and Writing from The University of Findlay, as well as a Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies from Capital University, both OFIC member campuses. She has taught courses in composition, literature, and research methods both in person and online. Teaching affords Garrabrant opportunities to gain first-hand insight from students about their college experience and aspirations. 

Excited and honored to fill a new role, Garrabrant looks forward to working with the OFIC team, its 33 member campuses, and business partners. Welcome, Melanie!

OFIC connects students across 33 member campuses with Ohio’s top corporations and foundations to make the dream of completing their bachelor’s degree a reality through scholarships, internships, and career opportunities. Learn more at

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Sarah Hance Sarah Hance

Supporting Students, Supporting Ohio

COLUMBUS, Ohio – The Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges (OFIC) has been prominently featured in Fortune, Forbes, and Entrepreneur Magazine as a Columbus Business Leader with the initiative “Supporting Students, Supporting Ohio.” The feature, available in both online and print editions, highlights OFIC's key programs, Talent for Ohio and Corporate Connections, underscoring their significant impact on the community and the state.

OFIC has been actively shaping Ohio's economic landscape for almost 75 years and is proud to have been recognized by Forbes as a Community Business Leader in Columbus. OFIC represents 32 member campuses, hosting nearly 75,000 students collectively. Primarily focused on funding student scholarships and fostering career pathways between campuses and local businesses, OFIC is diving into new impactful initiatives such as "Next-Level Fundraising" and "Talent for Ohio," which significantly enhance student support and career readiness across the state.

Talent for Ohio

With a strategic focus on forging partnerships between member campuses and corporate Ohio, OFIC’s Talent for Ohio initiative is set to boost the trajectory of student success while addressing critical workforce needs. Rooted in a deep understanding of the potential that graduates bring to the table, Talent for Ohio emerges as a compelling pillar of OFIC's ambitious three-year strategic plan.

At the heart of this initiative lies a profound recognition of the power of partnerships. Bill Spiker, President of OFIC, emphasized that while OFIC has been focused on its fundraising efforts over its 73-year history, the organization is now set to expand its mission by partnering with member campuses to forge lasting career and philanthropic connections with the corporate landscape of Ohio.

“Our core mission has always been to financially support students at independent Ohio institutions in completing their bachelor’s degrees,” says Spiker, noting that those with a college degree statistically earn a lifetime income of $1 million more than their non-degree counterparts. “With our new strategic plan, we’re focusing on ‘Next-Level Fundraising’ to increase support of students in pursuit of their bachelor’s degree, as well as our ‘Talent for Ohio’ initiative, which seeks to strengthen career connections between campuses and corporations.”

The OFIC is committed to supporting students across Ohio, and Forbes Business Spotlight highlighted just that. OFIC deeply appreciates the ongoing support from our current advocates in championing student success and fortifying Ohio's talent pool. As we continue to shape the future of Ohio's economy, we invite more supporters to join us in this vital mission. Together, we can make an even greater impact on the lives of students and the prosperity of our state.

About OFIC

The Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges provides student scholarship funding while building career connections between campuses and corporate Ohio. For nearly 75 years, the Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges (OFIC) has facilitated win-win-win scenarios between Ohio’s independent college and university campuses, Ohio students, and Ohio companies. Today, OFIC is comprised of 32 member campuses across the state, representing just under 75,000 students. OFIC connects students with Ohio’s top corporations and foundations to make the dream of completing their bachelor’s degree a reality through scholarships, internships, and career opportunities. Learn more at

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Katie Foster Katie Foster

OFIC Inspiration Awards recognize excellence in diversity and inclusion

The Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges (OFIC) celebrated the outstanding achievements of individuals and programs in promoting diversity, equity and inclusion at the 2023 Diversity Forum held on Tuesday, October 17, 2023.

The first OFIC Inspiration Awards were announced during the event, a new tradition OFIC has implemented to recognize people and programs that celebrate diversity and embrace all the ways our member campuses and communities can encourage our unique abilities and experiences for the greater good. We’re honored to highlight the inaugural award winners.

The Wayfinders Program at John Carroll University

The Wayfinders Program at John Carroll University has made remarkable strides in improving the professional readiness of students seeking internships, employment and graduate education opportunities. The organization has created a bridge between students, faculty members and local businesses, providing essential real-world experience to complement their classroom learning.

Zarrelli and President Bill Spiker.

Ayse Selen Zarrelli, accepting the award on behalf of John Carroll University, noted that the program primarily serves historically underserved and marginalized communities, including first-generation students, those from low-socioeconomic backgrounds, students with disabilities, students of color, LGBTQ+ students and students with interreligious diversity.

With partnerships formed with 52 nonprofit organizations and 42 for-profit organizations, the Wayfinders Program's accomplishments include offering 73 paid micro-internships totaling 2,920 hours of paid hourly work. Additionally, 26 students received long-term project opportunities, full-time internships and other valuable experiences. Click here to learn more about JCU’s Wayfinders Program.

Ralph Smithers, Jr. of Encova Insurance

Ralph Smithers, Jr., a dedicated advocate for independent higher education, has made significant contributions to promoting diversity and inclusion among students, faculty, corporations and community members.

Smithers and President Spiker.

Over the past four years, Smithers has been a driving force behind supporting OFIC's Diversity Forum. He has connected the organization with corporate and community partners and offered valuable insights to enhance the program, serving as a planning committee member and a presenter. Additionally, Smithers serves on OFIC's Board of Trustees.

OFIC recognized Smithers as a vital partner who cares deeply about the student experience and the importance of diversity, equity and inclusion.

The OFIC Inspiration Awards proudly recognizes the Wayfinders Program and Ralph Smithers Jr., for their commitment to providing students with transformative experiences. The awards encourage and inspire others to continue making a positive impact on the education landscape in Ohio.

To learn more about the OFIC Inspiration awards, click here.

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Katie Foster Katie Foster

Member Campuses highlighted in U.S. News Best College rankings

The Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges (OFIC) represents a diverse group of institutions, each with its unique strengths and features. Recently, several member campuses have received recognition by the U.S. News Best College rankings, for their academic excellence, value and commitment in many areas.

John Carroll University is positioned as the 3rd best regional university in the Midwest, recognized for its outstanding teaching practices and innovative approach. Hiram College also shines as it secures the 10th position among the best regional colleges, emphasizing its commitment to providing excellent value.

Several colleges including Ashland University, Baldwin Wallace University and Capital University, have achieved commendable rankings in categories such as best value schools and colleges for veterans.

Many of our member campuses placed in the social mobility category.

Denison University, a national liberal arts college, stands out for its innovation and ranks 39th.

Kenyon College, Oberlin College and The College of Wooster among others have received recognition for their contributions to liberal arts education and various programs.

OFIC fosters collaboration and support among our member campuses, collectively enhancing higher education in Ohio. Continue scrolling to read the full awards list for our member campuses.

Awards List:

Ashland University: #27 in best value schools, #36 in best colleges for veterans, #40 in top performers on social mobility

Baldwin Wallace University: #6 in best regional universities in the midwest

Bluffton University: #22 in best regional universities in the midwest

Capital University: #47 in Regional Universities Midwest (tie), #45 in Best Value Schools, #535 in Nursing (tie), #38 in Best Colleges for Veterans, #128 in Top Performers on Social Mobility (tie)

Cedarville University: #21 in Regional Universities Midwest (tie), #61 in Best Value Schools, #40 in Best Undergraduate Engineering Programs (tie), #263 in Nursing (tie), #7 in Best Colleges for Veterans (tie), #82 in Top Performers on Social Mobility

Defiance College: #50 in Regional Colleges Midwest (tie), #52 in Top Performers on Social Mobility (tie)

Denison University: #39 in National Liberal Arts Colleges (tie), #65 in Best Value Schools, #181 in Economics (tie), #6 in Most Innovative Schools, #71 in Top Performers on Social Mobility (tie)

The University of Findlay: #332 in National Universities (tie), #198 in Top Performers on Social Mobility (tie)

Franciscan University of Steubenville: #26 in Regional Universities Midwest (tie), #21 in Best Value Schools, #576 in Nursing (tie), #11 in Best Colleges for Veterans (tie), #37 in Top Performers on Social Mobility (tie)

Franklin University: #149-164 in Regional Universities Midwest, #576 in Nursing (tie), #145 in Top Performers on Social Mobility (tie)

Heidelberg University: #53 in Regional Universities Midwest (tie), #28 in Best Value Schools, #26 in Top Performers on Social Mobility (tie)

Hiram College: #10 in Regional Colleges Midwest (tie), #4 in Best Value Schools, #5 in Top Performers on Social Mobility (tie)

John Carroll University: #3 in Regional Universities Midwest, #31 in Best Value Schools, #7 in Best Undergraduate Teaching (tie), #6 in Most Innovative Schools (tie), #74 in Top Performers on Social Mobility

Kenyon College: #39 in National Liberal Arts Colleges (tie), #66 in Best Value Schools, #145 in Economics (tie), #15 in Best Undergraduate Teaching, #176 in Top Performers on Social Mobility (tie)

Lake Erie College: #142 in Regional Universities Midwest (tie), #128 in Top Performers on Social Mobility (tie)

Lourdes University: #120 in Regional Universities Midwest, #472 in Nursing (tie), #45 in Top Performers on Social Mobility (tie)

Malone University: #101 in Regional Universities Midwest (tie), #472 in Nursing (tie), #53 in Top Performers on Social Mobility (tie)

Marietta College: #18 in Regional Colleges Midwest, #13 in Best Value Schools, #234-273 in Best Undergraduate Engineering Programs, #48 in Top Performers on Social Mobility (tie)

University of Mount Union: #32 in Regional Universities Midwest (tie), #18 in Best Value Schools, #203 in Best Undergraduate Engineering Programs (tie), #55 in Top Performers on Social Mobility (tie)

Mount Vernon Nazarene University: #67 in Regional Universities Midwest (tie). #234-273 in Best Undergraduate Engineering Programs, #472 in Nursing (tie), #15 in Top Performers on Social Mobility (tie)

Muskingum University: #46 in Regional Universities Midwest, #8 in Best Value Schools, #234-273 in Best Undergraduate Engineering Programs, #45 in Best Colleges for Veterans, #10 in Top Performers on Social Mobility

Notre Dame College: #53 in Regional Colleges Midwest, #52 in Top Performers on Social Mobility (tie)

Oberlin College: #51 in National Liberal Arts Colleges (tie), #86 in Best Value Schools, #16 in Writing in the Disciplines, #51 in First-Year Experiences (tie), #30 in Senior Capstone, #32 in Best Undergraduate Teaching (tie), #145 in Top Performers on Social Mobility (tie)

Ohio Dominican University: #95 in Regional Universities Midwest (tie), #61 in Top Performers on Social Mobility (tie)

Ohio Northern University: #2 in Regional Colleges Midwest, #3 in Best Value Schools Business Programs, #23 in Best Undergraduate Engineering Programs (tie), #12 in Electrical / Electronic / Communications (tie)

Ohio Wesleyan University: #116 in National Liberal Arts Colleges (tie), #137 in Top Performers on Social Mobility (tie)

Otterbein University: #20 in Regional Universities Midwest, #26 in Best Value Schools, #234-273 in Best Undergraduate Engineering Programs, #319 in Nursing (tie), #6 in Best Colleges for Veterans, #12 in Best Undergraduate Teaching (tie), #89 in Top Performers on Social Mobility (tie)

Tiffin University: #145 in Regional Universities Midwest (tie), #135 in Top Performers on Social Mobility (tie)

Ursuline College: #88 in Regional Universities Midwest (tie), #183 in Nursing (tie), #37 in Top Performers on Social Mobility (tie)

Walsh University: #352 in National Universities (tie), #472 in Nursing (tie), #164 in Top Performers on Social Mobility (tie)

Wilmington College: #29 in Regional Colleges Midwest (tie), #7 in Top Performers on Social Mobility (tie)

Wittenberg University: #152 in National Liberal Arts Colleges (tie), #174 in Top Performers on Social Mobility (tie)

The College of Wooster: #75 in National Liberal Arts Colleges (tie), #57 in Best Value Schools, #14 in Undergraduate Research/Creative Projects, #27 in First-Year Experiences (tie), #3 in Senior Capstone, #20 in Best Undergraduate Teaching (tie), #132 in Top Performers on Social Mobility (tie)

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Sarah Hance Sarah Hance

OFIC Makes a Move to The Point at Otterbein University 

The Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges (OFIC), a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting students attending independent colleges and universities in Ohio, has moved from their former location in downtown Columbus to a new space at The Point at Otterbein University

Pictured at The Point during a summer planning meeting are Bill Spiker, Tacarra Davis, Brett Fields, Judy Moehl, Loren Hughes, Darby Mulligan, Lori Burrows, and Amy Bartter. 

The Point, a community-accessible space, boasts over 61,000 square feet of learning labs, maker space, networking facilities, event space and designated co-working areas and offices. OFIC will be joining 10 other businesses within The Point, including both startups and established companies.

The move is a significant change for OFIC, which has been in or near downtown Columbus since its founding in 1950. Now, they will be situated within a student-centric space on one of their 33-member campuses. 

OFIC President Bill Spiker expressed his excitement about the move, citing the numerous benefits that The Point will provide to the organization. "We are thrilled to be moving to this contemporary learning and business partner facility," he said. "The Point offers a unique opportunity for us to engage with students who are talented, innovative thinkers and makers. We'll be able to leverage being on campus and avail ourselves of resources available here to help further our mission of connecting donors and partners with students in need, impacting Ohio’s economic engine." 

The move will also bring OFIC greater visibility within the campus and Westerville community and easy access to the resources and collaboration opportunities available at The Point. 

Otterbein University President John Comerford expressed his excitement about OFIC's presence on university grounds. "OFIC is a great addition to The Point and we welcome them as our 11th business partner. Their organizational commitment to leveraging philanthropic and career partnerships aligns with Otterbein's mission to prepare students for successful careers and fulfilled lives. We look forward to seeing the positive impact that they'll have on our community." 

The move to The Point at Otterbein University represents an exciting new chapter for OFIC and a significant step forward in their work to support students through scholarship fundraising and career connections with corporate Ohio. OFIC is poised to continue making a positive impact on Ohio's higher education landscape for years to come. 

OFIC’s new addresses: 

Office Address: The Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges, 60 Collegeview Rd. Suite 107 Westerville, OH 43081 

Gift and Payment Address: The Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges, PO Box 631454, Cincinnati, OH  45263-1454 

Learn more at or contact us

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Sarah Hance Sarah Hance

Join the OFIC Team as the Manager of Business Partnerships! - Applications Are Closed

Are you passionate about connecting talented students with career opportunities in corporate Ohio that will shape the future of Ohio? Do you thrive on building meaningful partnerships between educational institutions and businesses? If so, the Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges (OFIC) has an exciting opportunity for you to make a significant impact in the newly created position of Manager of Business Partnerships! 

Position Summary: 

As the Manager of Business Partnerships, you will play a pivotal role in promoting and coordinating OFIC's efforts and programming under our strategic theme of Talent for Ohio benefiting students on our 33-member campuses. Your focus will be on two key audiences: OFIC students and campus career center staff, as well as human resources and talent acquisition professionals in Ohio corporations and businesses. Your mission is to foster connections and collaborations which will ensure a strong talent pipeline for the state. 

5 Key Reasons to Join Us: 

  1. Be a Catalyst for Change: You will be at the forefront of developing Ohio's talent landscape by nurturing valuable connections and partnerships between students and employers. 

  2. Impactful Position: Your efforts will directly contribute to the success and growth of OFIC's mission to empower students and shape their future. 

  3. Work-Life Flexibility: After an initial onboarding period, remote work options are available, allowing you to balance work and personal commitments. 

  4. Supportive Team: You will be part of a dynamic team, working closely with the OFIC President and staff, as well as collaborating with diverse stakeholders. 

  5. Ohio Focus: Stay connected to the local community by residing in Ohio and actively participating in OFIC events. 

Candidates and Compensation: 

OFIC is an equal opportunity employer, and we value diversity, inclusion, and equity as we seek applicants from all backgrounds to ensure we have the strongest team possible. We provide a generous comprehensive group benefits program including health insurance, dental, and vision coverage at no cost to our employees and at 50% cost for added dependents. We also make a contribution to your retirement account, offer several paid holidays and PTO days. Learn more about our HR benefits here. The salary range for this position is $45,000 to $55,000, based on your level of applicable experience. A full job description is available for your review here.  

Application Process: 

Application review will begin immediately, candidates are encouraged to apply by September 22, 2023. To apply, please email a cover letter and resume to OFIC at  Applications will continue to be accepted until the position has been filled. 

If you are ready to make a positive impact on the future of Ohio's talent landscape, we encourage you to apply for the Manager of Business Partnerships position today! Come join our passionate team and be part of a purpose-driven journey to transform lives and foster a thriving workforce in the great state of Ohio. 

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Sarah Hance Sarah Hance

Nord Family Foundation Contributes $150,000 to OFIC Students

It is with great thanks that we acknowledge 70 years of partnership with The Nord Family Foundation. The foundation has graciously supported numerous OFIC member campus students through scholarships over the past seven decades. Their recent gift increase and agreement to hire Lorain County students as interns for a local non-profit aligns with OFIC’s Campus to Career initiatives aimed at driving talent for Ohio and the Nord Family Foundation’s commitment to student success. The new program highlights the importance of partnerships and collaboration in driving talent development and creating opportunities for students to succeed in their chosen career paths. It also showcases the positive impact that foundations like The Nord Family Foundation can have on the community by investing in education and supporting non-profit organizations.

About the Nord Family Foundation

Since 1988, The Nord Family Foundation has contributed more than $145 million to philanthropic and charitable endeavors, throughout Lorain County and beyond. The Nord Family Foundation is a successor to a charitable trust established in 1952 by the entrepreneur and industrialist W.G. Nord.

Mr. Nord and his family believed that it was both responsible and prudent for a business to invest in the community it served, and formed a private foundation to be consistent in that investment even as the business reflected the cyclical nature of its earnings.

The U.S. Automatic (and later Nordson) Foundation contributed more than $101 million to a wide variety of charitable causes between 1953 and 1988, primarily in Lorain County, Ohio. Walter Nord’s widow left the bulk of her estate to the Foundation, which consisted largely of stock in Nordson Corporation. In 1988, Nordson Foundation was dissolved, and The Nord Family Foundation was one of two entities created to follow it.

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Katelin Foster Katelin Foster

OFIC Welcomes Lisa Stavsky to Board of Trustees

In her position with WesBanco, Lisa Stavsky plans and directs WesBanco Securities and WesBanco Insurance Services policies, objectives, and initiatives, including annual business and strategic plans, performance/production goals, selection of investment and insurance products and personnel. Lisa is responsible for the short and long-term profitability/growth and day-to-day operations of both lines of business. Most recently, Lisa added volunteering as a corporate trustee on the Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges (OFIC) Board of Trustees to her responsibilities.

Lisa Stavsky, President & CEO, WesBanco Securities; CEO, WesBanco Insurance Services

Lisa has been with WesBanco since 2019. Prior to WesBanco, she held the role of Wealth Management Director for the state of Ohio with TIAA working out of the Dublin, Ohio regional office. The majority of Lisa’s career included 23 years at PNC (National City) in a variety of roles including Financial Advisor, Regional Investment Sales Manager, and Senior Vice President, Territory Director at PNC Investments.

Lisa holds several FINRA licenses (Series 7, 24, 53, 63 and 65) along with Property & Casualty insurance, and Life & Health insurance licenses from the State of Ohio. She holds her BA from Brooklyn College (Brooklyn, NY, part of the City University of NY), an MBA from Capital University and is a doctoral candidate in Business Administration from Franklin University. Lisa earned a graduate degree from The CBA Executive Banking School in 2005 and holds the Chartered Retirement Planning Counselor™ designation from the College of Financial Planning.

Relocating with her husband Seth from New York City to Columbus in 1993, Lisa loves the Buckeye state, and Columbus truly feels like home. Lisa & Seth have 3 married children who live in Columbus, Cleveland, and New York City, with two grandchildren and another on the way!

OFIC connects students across 33 member campuses with Ohio’s top corporations and foundations to make the dream of completing a college education a reality through scholarships, internships, and career opportunities. Learn more at

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Katelin Foster Katelin Foster

OFIC Welcomes Pam Lebold, CPA, to Board of Trustees

Pam’s career began with a Big 4 firm in Cleveland when she joined Maloney + Novotny in 1998. In 2006, she accepted a position as Director of Internal Audit at Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) and rejoined Maloney + Novotny in 2008 as a director of their not-for-profit Group. She was promoted to Shareholder in 2013 and is one of the newest members of the Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges (OFIC) Board of Trustees.

Pam Lebold, Shareholder at Maloney + Novotny

Pam has concentrated her efforts working with not-for-profit clients. Her wide variety of professional experience in audit and public accounting coupled with her team-oriented values complements Maloney + Novotny’s diversified not-for-profit services team.

Pam graduated from Bowling Green State University in 1989 with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration degree and became a certified public accountant in 1991. She is a member of the American Institute of CPAs and the Ohio Society of Certified Public Accountants. Pam serves on the Finance Committee for the Cleveland Animal Protective League.

OFIC connects students across 33 member campuses with Ohio’s top corporations and foundations to make the dream of completing a college education a reality through scholarships, internships, and career opportunities. Learn more at

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Katelin Foster Katelin Foster

OFIC Welcomes Troy Singer to Board of Trustees

Marketer. Leader. Connector. Golfer. CrossFit enthusiast and Lifelong learner - a few phrases that best describe Troy Singer, Digital Marketing Specialist at Ring Digital and one of the newest members of the Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges (OFIC) Board of Trustees.

Troy Singer, Digital Marketing Specialist at Ring Digital

An urban dweller raised on a cattle farm, Singer has 29 years' experience managing executive accounts. Having increased an account's revenue from $600K to $10M, and maintaining it for six years, his success is evident in the numbers. Singer was awarded Supplier of the Year from P&G – one of 8 out of 70K suppliers, and co-created and currently produces a podcast ranked as one of the best in Higher Ed, The Higher Ed Marketer Podcast.

Troy has been active on community boards including as Board President/Board Member of the Dayton Area Habitat for Humanity, the Dayton-Montgomery Port Authority, and the Community Improvement Corp of Dayton.

Singer joins recent new OFIC Trustees, Pam Lebold and Lisa Stavsky. Welcome and thank you for your dedication to the success of the Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges!

OFIC connects students across 33 member campuses with Ohio’s top corporations and foundations to make the dream of completing a college education a reality through scholarships, internships, and career opportunities. Learn more at

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Sarah Hance Sarah Hance

OFIC Welcomes Darby Mulligan as Development Associate

Mulligan to specialize in optimizing grant processes, seeking funding for OFIC member campuses and students

The Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges (OFIC) today announces the appointment of Darby Mulligan as the new Development Associate.

Working closely with our Regional Vice Presidents for Development and members of the OFIC scholarship team, Mulligan’s role will focus on grant solicitations, letters of intent (LOI), proposals, applications, and grant reports to corporations and foundations in support of our 33 member campuses and their students.

Darby Mulligan, OFIC Development Associate

“We are thrilled to be adding Darby Mulligan to our OFIC staff. With her skills and expertise in customer service, advancement services data entry, data analysis, and critical thinking, she will help OFIC with fundraising for scholarships and general support to benefit our members campuses and their students,” President of OFIC, Bill Spiker said.

Mulligan started her career in higher education and advancement at The Ohio State University working as a Development Coordinator. During her graduate work at OSU, she researched Ohio State’s new debt free education initiative. She holds two undergraduate degrees, a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice and a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Xavier University, a Master of Science in Criminal Justice from the University of Cincinnati, and a second graduate degree of a Master of Public Administration and Leadership from The Ohio State University.

Mulligan is excited to start this new journey and be a part of the OFIC staff and community. Welcome, Darby!

OFIC connects students across 33 member campuses with Ohio’s top corporations and foundations to make the dream of completing their bachelor’s degree a reality through scholarships, internships, and career opportunities. Learn more at

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