Total Internship Management

An employer focused internship management experience

Introducing Total Internship Management—a fresh perspective on internships. Going beyond traditional online training, Total Internship Management represents a mental mindshift for supervisors, prioritizing the happiness and satisfaction of their interns.​


Experience Details

  • 6 part online/on-demand video series with downloadable resources​ and templates

  • Delivered in partnership with Intern Bridge and Robert Shindell, Ph.D., SHRM-CP, SCP Recertification Provider

  • Company-wide access for anyone managing an intern​

  • Professional development opportunity for your employees, each employee who completes the training with receive a Credly digital badge, valid for 2.5 CEU/CPE credits

  • 30-minute consulting strategy session with Robert Shindell

Pricing and Special Offers:

  • Total Pricing: The Total Internship Management Training is available at a special OFIC price of $399.

Key Features and Benefits of Total Internship Management include:​

  • Positive Relationships: Create a culture of trust and collaboration between supervisors and interns, guided by the 4 Key Elements of Internship Management​.

  • Effective Communication: Enhance communication channels to ensure clear expectations, feedback, and support throughout the internship experience.​

  • Professional Development: Provide ongoing training and learning opportunities for internship supervisors to enhance their skills, providing validation of achievements through a Credly digital badge.​

Our goal is to help you create an environment where your intern supervisors and their interns thrive, unleashing their full potential and contributing towards tomorrow's talent pipeline.

Ready for a fresh perspective on internship management?

We’re here to help.