How to make the best impression during the interview process

There are many different factors to consider when trying to achieve a successful interview process. Your resume should communicate the most important and relevant information about you in a clear and concise format. You want to go into an interview and confidently convey how you are uniquely qualified for the position based on your skills and experience. To give the best impression to your potential employers, follow these few simple steps and best practices. 

Phase 1: Build out your resume

Platforms such as Canva and Word can feel overwhelming when looking for a productive resume template. This is why TalentedU 2.0 is just right for you! With the new and improved program, the professional development module provides a resume template that you can customize to fit any job application. The template has all of the necessary categories you need for a standard resume including education, experience, reference and awards. All of the mentioned sections are vital to building a good resume because they enable you to showcase your talent efficiently. To find more tips and tricks to building your resume, click here!

Phase 2:  Prepare for the interview

In the past few years, phone and online interviews have become prominent in the workfield. Many companies use a phone call with a recruiter as the initial step in the hiring process. This can be very different from an in-person interview, but nonetheless takes much preparation!

  • Five best tips for an impressionable phone screen: 

    • Research the company 

      • Take time to become knowledgeable about the company's core values, mission and overall culture.

    • Prepare for common interview questions 

      • Understanding what the employer is looking for in an employee by becoming familiar with the job description can help you to prepare for questions. For example, if the job description mentions they use a program you have experience with, make sure your interviewer knows that!

    • Find a quiet environment

      • Finding a good, quiet space for a phone or computer interview is vital. This eliminates distractions and noise that could deter your attention from the interviewer.

    • Be an active listener 

      • Be attentive, ask thoughtful questions and engage with the interviewer. 

    • Follow up/Thank you email 

      • By following up with the person who interviewed you, it shows initiative and care for the position. 

For more insight on how to be better prepared for a phone or online interview, click here!

Phase 3: Prepare for the in-person interview

Congrats! You got an in-person interview. Although exciting, this next step also comes with some nerves. But don’t worry, we have all of the tools to help you prepare, conquer and succeed! 

  • 3 best tips for an in-person interview 

    • Arrive early 

      • Plan to arrive at least 10-15 minutes early for your interview. This will give you time to calm your nerves. If you're unsure of the location or parking situation, confirm this ahead of time so you are not adding extra stress to your big day. 

    • Appropriate dress 

      • Make sure you dress appropriately for the interview, taking into account the company's culture and dress code.

    • Good posture/body language

      • Maintain good posture during the interview to convey confidence and professionalism. Try to avoid fidgeting or slouching, which can convey nervousness or lack of confidence.

For more ways to prepare for your in-person interview, check out this resource here!

Preparing for an interview requires more than just rehearsing answers; it's about understanding the company, showcasing your skills and demonstrating your enthusiasm. By following these tips and using TalentedU 2.0, you will be ready for your interview!


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