What to Know About Ohio's Independent Colleges

Ohio can be attributed to its successful sports teams, agriculture and metropolis cities, but what really makes Ohio stand out is the option to attend one of the outstanding independent colleges that call Ohio home. From Marietta College to Walsh University, the opportunities are endless for freshman students. 

According to the California Student Aid Commision, the definition of an independent college is a nonprofit, private college that is not run by a government organization. 

One of the biggest stigmas surrounding independent universities is the expensive cost of tuition holding students back from pursuing their goals where they feel most comfortable. According to data found by the Association of Independent Colleges and Universities of Ohio (AICUO), Ohio independent colleges are more cost effective than other higher education options. Before student loans and scholarship awards, the average amount a student spends on tuition at a private campus is $95,711. This is comparatively lower than a student will spend at a public university where they may have to stay an extra year or two to complete their degree.

Statistics show Ohio’s private colleges overall are a great opportunity for students to earn a degree, but may not spend as much time and dollars doing so. 

Independent universities also offer college students a unique four years by providing:

  • smaller class sizes

  • more one on one time with professors

  • immersive internships in their field

Graduation rates within private colleges are higher than public universities in Ohio.  According to AICUO, 14% more students graduate in four years at a private college versus those who attend a public campus. 

Receiving a Bachelor’s degree is no small accomplishment. With higher graduation rates at independent colleges means the sooner students are getting out into the work field pursuing a career and are able to pay off student loans quicker. 

To help students achieve their goal of receiving a diploma, The Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges (OFIC) helps by “soliciting financial support from corporate donors that believe strongly in higher education. Our approach is personal and life changing— connecting students with donors and empowering donors to design scholarships that have a direct impact on Ohio students, their local community and their future employees.” 

For more information about OFIC or statistics of Ohio’s independent colleges conducted by AICUO, click the pdf’s below. 


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